Financing the Transition
to a Sustainable Future

Swiss Sustainable Finance Academy

Sustainable finance education is one of the key drivers to advance sustainability in the finance sector. The Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) Academy provides quality digital education on sustainable investments tailored specifically to the needs of investment professionals.

All courses on the SSF Online Academy are free and available to the broad public.

Updated course ! Introduction to Sustainable Investing

What is sustainable investing? What are the main sustainability strategies followed by the wealth and asset management industry, and how can they be combined to address different client needs? This learning module walks you through the key drivers and principles of sustainable investing, the main implementation strategies as well as their adoption in Switzerland. It is suitable for Wealth managers, Asset Managers, and Asset Owners.

Over time, this course will replace the 2022 course "Sustainable Investments for Asset Owners", and be completed with dedicated supplements, for example specific to Asset Owners. 
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Course catalog

Available in three languages (EN - DE - FR).

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Visit the SSF Website 
for more information!

SSF regularly informs about activities and latest developments
in the field of sustainable finance.
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